Building and scaling your business is arguably one of the hardest things to do. It's even harder when you don't have the right office environment that gives you the freedom to get your tasks done. While you do have the option of working in public spaces such as the library, the coffee shop, or even from home, the distractions in those surroundings make it difficult to focus.
One solution that more and more business owners and independent contractors are turning to is renting office spaces. Some are venturing into the co-working world, while others are looking into a private office space. While both options have their advantages, let’s break down why a private office space has been proven to be more beneficial to business owners.
Private office spaces provide confidentiality: Due to the nature of co-working spaces, it can be challenging to have a sensitive conversation on the phone or via a virtual meeting with other strangers in proximity.
Renting your own office space ensures that your conversations, personal belongings, and business matters (especially negotiations) are under your control and protection for both you and your clients. That added sense of security with your business can give you the peace of mind to make the most out of every meeting or call.
Health concerns can be minimized: Before the pandemic, co-working spaces were extremely popular. They were seen as a social environment where very few health precautions were established.
In today’s world, COVID-19 and other contagious diseases are still a major factor in many people’s decision-making. The use of a private office not only gives you the permission to close your door but the ability to maintain a sanitary environment free from viruses.
Upscale image of your business: When deciding to rent a place to work between a co-working space and a private office, it’s important to determine how your clients will perceive your business. Many co-working spaces have brand products and aesthetics that represent a social environment.
One of the many reasons business owners are using private offices is to incorporate a strong brand presence. That includes having control over designing a background that reflects the tone and image of your business. With many offices being fully furnished, it’s still designed with you in mind, to make it fit your business needs.
Less distractions, more productivity: With a private office space, you can control the noise environment better. It’s a lot easier to get through your to-do list when you’re able to tune out other people’s movements or conversations, versus being in a coworking setting with lots of open areas and networking opportunities.
It goes back to the point of why you want to work away from home in the first place. The ease that comes with a distraction-free environment that adds prestige to your business can have a positive impact on your focus and decision-making.